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Ioga Selog

4.0 ( 8480 ratings )
Health & Fitness
Developer: Sbectol Cyf

Mae ioga gyda phlant werth y byd i’w datblygiad corfforol ac i sefydlu arferion cadw’n iach yn y teulu. Mae’r cyflwyniad Cymraeg gan Leisa Mererid yn cynorthwyo’r plentyn i ddysgu geirfa addysg gorfforol. Gall rhieni di-Gymraeg ddefnyddio’r ap er mwyn rhoi’r cyfle gorau i’w plentyn fod yn ddwyieithog / amlieithog. Mae’r ap yn addas i ysgolion a grwpiau cymunedol hefyd.

Yoga is very valuable for the physical development of children. The presentation by Leisa Mererid in Welsh, with English translation provided, expands the child’s physical education literacy. Non-Welsh speaking parents can use this app to boost their children’s opportunity to become bilingual / multi-lingual. The app is also suitable for schools and community groups.